Visit Real Cities (VRC) is a metaverse platform for destination management organizations (DMOs) and their partners, developed by a team immersed in the world of tourism and Web3 technologies. The VRC platform is built to allow DMOs to partner with attractions and venues within their cities by leveraging the Web3 technologies to support smart contracts and provide a platform to generate revenue. The platform will also support individual businesses in facilitating their ecommerce transactions.

A partnership of MA Software Systems, Exploring Digital, and Sparkloft Media, VRC is working collaboratively with early adopter DMO clients to build a metaverse solution specific to the unique needs of destination marketing and the interests of their target audiences. The metaverse allows for a more immersive and engaging experience than that of the web, and to this end the VRC platform will encourage and enable greater levels of engagement providing opportunities for partner organizations to claim their virtual real estate and create engaging experiences to represent and amplify their brands. The platform will ensure security and moderate participant interactions consistent with the expectations of behavior of tourists and meeting planner professionals in real life.

The VRC platform is built on the Unity game engine, and supports both browser based access as well as the more immersive VR headset access. The Unity game engine allows for realistic renderings of the city environments and an integration with ReadyPlayerMe provides almost infinite possibilities for allowing users to represent themselves through custom avatars. The VRC platform will integrate with popular CRM solutions in use by DMOs, as well as common payment rail systems in addition to blockchain based cryptocurrencies.



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